Monday, December 26, 2011

The Christmas Stocking

These are the Christmas stockings I made for my Family, my youngest stepson got a Spongebob stocking.

My husband got a Superman stocking with a cape, my husband is a very big Superman fan, so I thought about great detail, and hoped the cape would make it ever more special.

This is the back of the Superman stocking, I put the cape on so it would be more on the back side, so you still can see the symbol on the front.

My oldest stepson got a Spiderman stocking. First I thought about putting on the eyes only, but then I went with the spider symbol instead, but there is always next Christmas. ;)

For me, I was less creative. I didn't really know what I should crochet for my Christmas stocking, so I just made a simple german flag stocking.

The Flash - Reverse Flash Pillow

For the other nephew of my co-worker I made this Flash pillow.

It is also double edged with yellow on the Flash side and red on the Reverse Flash side.

It was the first time I heard of the reversed Flash, and I always watched the show as I was little. But it is pretty easy, it is just reversed colors, and I think it looks pretty rocking awesome. :)

The Green Lantern Pillow

This is a pretty easy and simple pillow for a co-workers nephew.

The pillow has a double edge (green-black).

The back side is plain black since the Green Lantern has some black on his suit.

The Spiderman Pillow

This pillow is for my oldest stepson, he is a huge Spiderman fan, more of the black one, or Venom, then the nice red suited Spidey.

So I made one side red, and the other black, since the red suited hero has some blue on him, I thought of blue edging.

I also wanted the pillow to have something to play with, so I attached a spider that could have bit Peter Parker and turned him.

I call the spider "Fred", Fred the friendly spider. I attached him with white crocheted, sparkle yarn that sorta looks like a spider web. Fred can stand on his 8 legs and has tiny little black eyes.