Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Spongebob Pillow Pal

Recently my step sons had to move away, and since I hope they are coming to visit us over the Christmas holidays I have been thinking of crocheting them something. I think handmade items say so much more then store bought things. Everybody can go out and buy something, but to sit down, take time and make something that truly comes from the heart, it is so rare these days.

As you can see it is a Spongebob, my youngest step son is a big fan of this yellow squared underwater monster, so I thought I will make him a pillow pal. It isn't really hard to make a Spongebob, since he is a square with pants.

The eyes, eyelashes, mouth, teeth, and tie was not that hard to crochet, the feet and arms, well, I took those from my doll patterns, and they fit.

Then I sewed everything together and stuffed him with polyester fiber. He is bigger then I thought, which I guess is good since it is supposed to be a pillow.

Look at this face! Who could not love this handmade pillow pal?

Superman / Supergirl thing...

After making molds from some of my buttons for ear rings or hair clips, I thought I take my husbands Superman necklace and make a mold from that.

Now I have some Superman ear rings, or Supergirl ear rings, since it is a girl thing, and Superman or Supergirl hair clips.

I have sold on 2 of the hair clips and a set or ear rings. I was really excited :)

The Smiley Set

I had some smiley buttons and thought I could make put those on a hair clip too, which led to making a bow and some little flowers and of course some ear rings had to follow.

This is the complete set, and it does bring smiles to other faces, at least where I work at.

The Black Vail Brides ear rings

A co-worker asked me if I could make her sister special ear rings of her favorite group, I told her if I don't have anything to make a mold out of probably not. So I tried to make a sign of them myself, out of playdough.

I think they don't look bad, what do you think? Her sister loves them, by the way.

Show some SPIRIT!!!

I thought of next years NBA Champion Chip and thought I would create my own ear rings to show my support. So I made a little sign out of playdough, so I could make a mold from it, to make several different things. Here are some things I have made so far.

For Dirk's team (germans have to stick together) I made some ear rings (haven't gotten around to painting them yet) and a sign I will put on my Maverick hair bow.

Since I also like the Lakers, here is a set of ear rings and again, a sign I will put on a hair clip.

I made them out of resin and painted them, then sprayed them so the paint wouldn't come off, and I already have gotten some comments about them. Some of them were good, and some of them were against the Lakers, well, can't make everybody happy.