Sunday, October 30, 2011

Show some SPIRIT!!!

I thought of next years NBA Champion Chip and thought I would create my own ear rings to show my support. So I made a little sign out of playdough, so I could make a mold from it, to make several different things. Here are some things I have made so far.

For Dirk's team (germans have to stick together) I made some ear rings (haven't gotten around to painting them yet) and a sign I will put on my Maverick hair bow.

Since I also like the Lakers, here is a set of ear rings and again, a sign I will put on a hair clip.

I made them out of resin and painted them, then sprayed them so the paint wouldn't come off, and I already have gotten some comments about them. Some of them were good, and some of them were against the Lakers, well, can't make everybody happy.

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